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  • Writer's pictureTaylar Ernest

What Mindfulness Means to Me


dress: mimi chica; necklace: Disney; bamboo straws: Opalhouse


Mindfulness definition:

“…a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience without judgment. In this sense, mindfulness is a state and not a trait. While it might be promoted by certain practices or activities, such as meditation, it is not equivalent to or synonymous with them.” -Catherine Moore,

My definition of mindfulness:

"Acquiring an awareness of what feels good for your individual self & implementing those things daily to create a space of calm, happiness, and enlightenment." -me


My journey towards a life of mindfulness began with, you guessed it, a deep dive into the rabbit hole that is Youtube. I found this sweet girl's channel named Heal Your Living. On her channel she discusses her life where she practices mindfulness, sustainability, wellness, and extreme minimalism. And while I do not particularly find interest in sleeping in a hammock or not owning a couch... I found her insanely inspiring.

From there I had this light bulb moment. Little me, sitting there at 3am in the depths of mindfulness videos remembered my love for Buddhism. Although I took a religion course in college and visited many true Buddhist temples in Thailand, my goal was to re-educate myself. Now it's 5am and ya girl was hella inspired.

Clearly I couldn't sleep so I searched Instagram for every single profile that had anything and everything to do with wellness and mindfulness. That is where I found the Free People UK Virtual Retreat. And it was starting in only two hours. So naturally, I finally went to sleep. For two minutes.

Point of the story is that it does not matter how I got here, I am excited for the journey I am embarking on!


What felt good that day:

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